As we all try to connect and work together virtually, we have lost many of the ‘in-between’ moments of walking between meetings, saying hello to each other in the elevator, and recapping silly stories before our meetings get underway. As a result, we must be more deliberate in the post-pandemic world about making time to connect with each other, laugh, smile, and be playful before we begin the hard work of innovation.
As you try to keep your team performing at their best, here are a few ice-breakers and energizers to apply at opportune moments. Consider taking 5 minutes at the beginning of your next zoom session to try one of these out!
- Three things in common
Have participants pair up in breakout rooms and find three non-obvious things that they have in common. For an extra challenge, have them do it without talking. - Word at a time aphorisms
A great exercise to help teams practice the concept of sharing control…an important skill for effective collaboration. Aphorisms are brief statements of wisdom for life such as “A stitch in time saves nine” or “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” For this activity, pair people up and have them come up with an original aphorism together by each alternately offering one word at a time. - Shake Out
A physical warm up where everyone shakes out their bodies one limb at a time. Have everyone do this together, counting out loud as they go. Start with eight shakes of the right arm, then eight of the left arm, then eight of the right leg, eight of the left leg, and eight full body shakes. Repeat the pattern with successively fewer shakes each time (7, 6, 5, etc). Go fast for maximum levity. - Find or make a hat (1 min)
Give all participants one minute to either find or make a hat or headdress to wear on their head. It can be fun to have people continue wearing these throughout the meeting/session. - Object matching
This is a fun activity similar to the game ‘Apples to Apples’. Have one participant (person A) hold up a physical object to their screen. Everyone else on the call then has 1 minute to find an object in their own space that they believe matches as closely to that object as possible.
Everyone then holds their objects up to their cameras and Person A then gets to decide who’s object matches most closely. The person selected with the closest match then starts the next round with a new object. Continue as long as you like.
Have a favorite icebreaker or energizer? Let us know!