Author: guildg37
5 Steps to finding insights from design research
The key to innovation often lies in finding new insights from customer research. Learning new things about customers lives helps us understand the context in which they engage with the products and services we create for them. So how do we go about finding insight? Doing so requires some art and creativity, but it does…
The Business Value of Design
Since purchasing Lunar and Veryday in 2015 and 2016, McKinsey has come to understand the value of design. Recently, the consulting organization completed a study of 300 publicly traded companies to discover that those with a high ‘Design Index’ outperformed their competitors with more than double the revenue and a significant increase in returns to…
More Play = Better Performance
An elementary school in Texas recently found positive results by giving students more time to play. Last year Eagle Mountain Elementary in Ft. Worth, Texas tripled the amount of recess time for their students from 20 minutes to 60 minutes over the course of the day and found that student performance in the classroom increased. …
5 Virtual Icebreakers and Energizers
As we all try to connect and work together virtually, we have lost many of the ‘in-between’ moments of walking between meetings, saying hello to each other in the elevator, and recapping silly stories before our meetings get underway. As a result, we must be more deliberate in the post-pandemic world about making time to…
Design Thinking Workshop- Nov 13th
You can now join our design thinking workshop from anywhere in the world! We’ll be running our next introduction to Design Thinking workshop on Friday, November 13th in partnership with the School of Visual Concepts. Come get quickly ramped up on this robust innovation process that the world’s most successful companies employ to develop products,…
Design Thinking’s Economic Impact
Curious about the impact of design thinking on an organization’s ‘bottom line’? IBM and Forrester research recently captured the value of design thinking in a case study. Among the highlights of the results: shorter times (50%) to market with products, and a calculated ROI of over 300% . Read more via IBM’s blog here. Or…
Design Thinking @ SVC in Seattle, March 21, 2020
How do you make sure you are spending your resources on the right problem? How do you collectively generate ground-breaking ideas? How do you accelerate your team to craft valuable, meaningful products, services, and experiences for your customers in short time? Design Thinking has the answers.Join us as we partner with the School of Visual…
Design Thinking in Seattle- Oct 12th
Design thinking continues to spread like wildfire around the globe, infusing organizations of all sizes with much needed and regular doses of inspiration, empathy, and creativity. Still confused about what design thinking is or how it works? Join us at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle, WA on October 12th! More info and sign-ups…
Serious Play & Design Thinking -Sept 29th, Seattle
Coming to Seattle this September 29th!…The ‘Serious Play & Design Thinking’ workshop is back! Aardvark is partnering with the MOHAI this time, in the heart of South Lake Union in Seattle, to help you enhance your professional toolkit and explore play as an essential tool for innovation. A series of on-your-feet activities, thoughtful discussion, and…
Reframing & Building Agreement
One of the more powerful tools that comes from Design Thinking is the idea of ‘reframing’ the way we look at the world to shed light on new opportunities. It is the process of reframing that yields products that stand out in the world like the Nest thermostat (not just a thermostat…a piece of art…