Category: Events

  • Design Thinking Workshop- Nov 13th

    Design Thinking Workshop- Nov 13th

    You can now join our design thinking workshop from anywhere in the world! We’ll be running our next introduction to Design Thinking workshop on Friday, November 13th in partnership with the School of Visual Concepts. Come get quickly ramped up on this robust innovation process that the world’s most successful companies employ to develop products,…

  • Design Thinking @ SVC in Seattle, March 21, 2020

    Design Thinking @ SVC in Seattle, March 21, 2020

    How do you make sure you are spending your resources on the right problem? How do you collectively generate ground-breaking ideas? How do you accelerate your team to craft valuable, meaningful products, services, and experiences for your customers in short time? Design Thinking has the answers.Join us as we partner with the School of Visual…

  • Design Thinking in Seattle- Oct 12th

    Design Thinking in Seattle- Oct 12th

    Design thinking continues to spread like wildfire around the globe, infusing organizations of all sizes with much needed and regular doses of inspiration, empathy, and creativity. Still confused about what design thinking is or how it works? Join us at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle, WA on October 12th! More info and sign-ups…

  • Serious Play & Design Thinking -Sept 29th, Seattle

    Serious Play & Design Thinking -Sept 29th, Seattle

    Coming to Seattle this September 29th!…The ‘Serious Play & Design Thinking’ workshop is back! Aardvark is partnering with the MOHAI this time, in the heart of South Lake Union in Seattle, to help you enhance your professional toolkit and explore play as an essential tool for innovation.  A series of on-your-feet activities, thoughtful discussion, and…

  • Serious Play & Design Thinking -Nov 12th, Seattle

    Serious Play & Design Thinking -Nov 12th, Seattle

    Kick off your fall with a boost to your professional toolkit! Serious Play & Design Thinking! returns to the Frye Art Museum (Seattle, WA) November 12th! Explore the value of play and risk-taking for better collaboration and creative leadership.  Learn how it applies both in and outside of the workplace.  Mash it up with some Design…

  • Design Thinking with MOHAI – June 10th

    Design Thinking with MOHAI – June 10th

    Coming this June to Seattle… Join Aardvark at MOHAI & add to your professional toolkit!  Come experience & understand how to use and lead Design Thinking in your organization to build better products and experiences that truly exceed expectations. More info and sign ups here: See you there!

  • Serious Play & Design Thinking- Seattle

    Serious Play & Design Thinking- Seattle

    Kick off your fall with a boost to your professional toolkit! Friday, October 10th, Aardvark will be running a one-day intensive on Serious Play & Design Thinking in Seattle, WA.  Explore the value of play and risk-taking for better collaboration and creative leadership both in and outside of the workplace. Open to the public and…

  • Serious Play & Design Thinking- Idaho

    Serious Play & Design Thinking- Idaho

    As part of the Sun Valley Center for the Arts exhibition on creativity and work, Aardvark will be running a 2-day class, April 5th & 6th on Serious Play and Design Thinking.   Open to all participants, this class will explore techniques for leading innovation, including embracing failure & risk, empathizing & collaborating with others,…